B.D. Bhargava
What is MAGIC? How about "Mystery And Gimmickry In Collusion". This may seem like playing with words, because I have formed a phrase using only the letters appearing in the word MAGIC in their sequential order.
O. K., but what are WORDS? Consider "What Objectively Record Definitive Speech". Words need to be interpretted by us human beings in a specific way. That is where the Dictionary comes in! It "Distinctively, Indiscriminately, Coherently, Tutors Interpreting Overtly Nomenclature, Almost Reassuring You". Well then somebody has to write and EDIT "Efficiently Doctor Idea Transmission". A dictionary needs to have some order. That brings in ALPHABETS "Authentic Language Particles Helping Articulate, Better Express Thoughts Straightaway". But this needs KNOWLEDGE "Key Nest Of Wisdom, Lets Everyone Deftly Get Educated". Naturally - Education, Guidance, Teachers, Guru, Schools and so on come in. The list can go on and on.
BACRONYMS: "Brain-storming Amidst Critical Resemblances Oft-times Neatly Yields Meaningful Sequences". A BACRONYM is "Brilliantly Assembled, Catchy, Rhetorical, Ornamental Nonsense, Yet Meaningful. (Ornamental Nonsense, because very often I get the meaning without requiring all the letters but I have to, perforce, use them!)
I have put together a glossary of BACRONYMS -- and you need PATIENCE! "Perseverance And Tolerance In Extremely Nasty Circumstances Even" to read it. Here's but a small sample:
ACTOR - Astute Character, Taking Orders, Re-enacts.
CHILD - Charming Hostage In Loving Domain.
DRAMA - Deception Realistically And Majestically Acted.
EMBRACE - Excitedly Meet By Reaching Across, Clasping Emotionally.
EQUATION - Essentially Quantifies, Usually Algebraically, Technical Information Operationally Necessary.
FASHION - Features Aberrant Social Habits Inviting Others' Notice.
FRUSTRATION - Feeling Resulting Upon Seeing That Results Are Totally Incongruous Or Negative.
GYMNASTICS - Give Your Muscles Noteworthy Adaptability, Stimulus, Thereby Imparting Co-ordination, Strength.
HISTORIAN - He Imagines Somethings, Twists Others, Records Idiosyncrasies, Assembles Narratives.
JEALOUSY - Just Envy And Lack Of Understanding Smarting (Rankling) You.
LAP - Luxurious Armchair, Perhaps.
MORPHINE - Mainly Opium, Relieves Pain, Helps In Nursing Enormously.
OPTIMIST - Openly Picturises Things In Magnificient, Intricate Settings, Tastefully.
PESSIMIST - Perceives Even Simple Situations In Most Insecure Settings, Timidly.
RAINBOW - Raised Arch, Inimitable Nature's Bouquet, Omnipotent Wonder.
STOMACH - Sensitive, Turbulent Organ, Metabolism Activity Conducted Here.
TEMPTATION - The Ever Mesmeric Ploy That Attempts To Incite Outrageous Notions.
TRUTH - Turbulent, Rumbling Undercurrent That Haunts.
UNIQUE - Undoubetedly Nifty, Ingenious, Quizzical, Unbeatable, Extraordinary.
VOTER - Voices Opinion Through Electoral Route.
WISDOM - What Is Sensible Depends On Mood.
YAWN ... (I take it) You Are Weary Now.
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