Now match our views about: THE HUMAN BODY
The human body is a self-nourishing, self-regulating, self-repairing, self-starting and self-reproducing machine installed at birth and lasting for good three-quarters of a century, like a good grandfather’s clock, requiring very little attention.
It is a machine. A machine provided with wireless vision, and wireless hearing with a much more complicated system of nerves and lymph’s than the most complicated telephone and telegraph system of the world. It has a system of filing reports, done by a vast complexes of nerves, managed with such efficiency that some files, the less important ones, are kept in the attic and the others are kept in a more convenient desk, but those kept in the attic, which may be more than 30 years old and rarely referred to are nevertheless there and found with lightning speed and efficiency. Perhaps the system is much faster and efficient than the fastest and latest of the present day computers. In computer terminology the memory capacity of the human brain is 10 trillion bytes or 100 times bigger than one gigabyte disc. It functions as a private television and broadcasting station, carrying out its functions transmitting electrical impulses.
It also manages to go about like a motor-car with a perfect knee-action and absolute silence of engines and if the motor car has an accident and breaks its glass or its steering wheel, the car automatically exudes or manufactures a substance to replace the glass and does its best to grow a steering shaft, for we must remember that when one of our kidney gives way, the other swells and increases its functions to ensure the passage of the normal volume of urine. Then it also keeps up a normal temperature within a tenth of a Fahrenheit degree and manufactures its own chemicals for the purpose of transforming food into living tissue.
Above all, it has a sense of rhythm of life and a sense of time, not only of hours and days, but also of decades; the body regulates its own childhood, puberty and maturity, stops growing when it should no longer grow and brings forth a wisdom tooth at a time when no one of us even thought of it. Our conscious wisdom has nothing to do with our wisdom tooth.
It also manufactures specific anti-dotes against poison on the whole with amazing success and it does all those things with absolute silence without the usual racket of a factory, so that our superfine meta-physician may not be disturbed and is free to think about his spirit or essence.
It relies on a very cheap and abundantly available source of material for survival. Ventilation takes place to maintain a constant flow of fresh air, around 16 times a minute. It has a network of pipelines, stretching over 40 miles to transfer oxygen poor blood from all body tissues to a muscular pump, the best in the world, which purifies it and sends oxygen rich blood to all tissues to maintain their strength and vitality. The pump works uninterrupted, between 60 to 80 times a minute, to keep life flowing. The body has around 600 trillion tiny air bags in the lungs. The surface area they provide for oxygen and carbon dioxide is equivalent to that of a tennis court.
It has a defense system that seeks out and engulfs any invading bacteria or viruses or disease causing organisms. It also has a mechanism, which protects it from physical injuries by releasing chemicals, which enable blood to clot and thus prevent blood outflow.
It has storm troopers that carry carbon dioxide from tissues to the lungs where it is exuded. It has garbage clearance apparatus, which carry metabolic wastes from its factory to the kidneys, which help to excrete it as urine, and digested food is also transferred to this factory for processing and passing onward to the body cells as nourishment and waste product is routinely thrown out.
Do you know how you are able to distinguish the various smells you come across in everyday life? Well there are about 5 million small receptors located in a patch, about the size of a postage stamp, on the roof of each nasal cavity. When the receptors detect an odour, signals speed along a nerve path to the olfactory bulb, an area of the brain where smell is interpreted. And believe me our sense of smell decreases with advancing age.
Do you know what is UMAMI? It is the fifth and most recently discovered ‘taste sense’. It has been described as ‘savoury’ Parmesan cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes and some sea
foods all have a distinctive umami taste.
And marvel of marvels, the genetic engineering ensures that all organs and body features are identical in all human beings, except in very rare cases, and yet no two faces or body structure are identical in all respects, irrespective of which part of the world we look for them.
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