Magic Touch

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

LIFE - STYLE - THE MIDDLE PATH - Enunciated by Gautam Buddha

Be Religious, not Bigoted; Virtuous, noe Self-righteous; Devout, not Fanatical; gather Wealth, not Cruelly; Enjoy, without Elation; Speak gently, not Insincerely; be Brave, without Boasting; be Generous, not Wasteful; be Sentimental, not Emotional; Give, not Indiscriminately; Speak boldly, not Harshly; make Friends, not with Ignoble; Fight, not with Friends; seek Information, not from the Unreliable; serve your Interest, without Hurting others; ask Advice, not from the Unwise; praise Virtues, not your Own; Trust, but not the Evil; Punish, not Thoughtlessly; love and guard thy Spouse, without Jealousy; be Refined, but not Supercilious; Feed delicately, not Unwholesomely; enjoy Conjugal pleasure, not Overmuch; honour the Wealthy, not the Proudly; Serve, without Deceit; Propiciate, without Fawning; be Clever, not out of Season; be Angry, not without strong Cause; be Gentle, not to the Mischievious; worship Deity, without Display.


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